If a company had a double digit sales decline. If it had nearly all of its brands in crisis.
If it had to let two thousand people go. If it had to explain to investors huge cuts are needed.
If it hadn’t won on-track for some time despite millions spent and had to shut brands in all classes.
If it had its engineers flying off the ship and its champion saying he wants to see the headquarters to understand its situation. Would you say that it’s in crisis, or not?
Pierer Mobility, KTM in essence, even cuts its off-road products which is what it feeds on, on top of not satisfying its Asian partners like CFMOTO and having thousands of unsold motorcycles with a problematic sales network. Not to mention, due to this liquidity crisis, it has no money to give to the Russians that sold MV Agusta.
Is it enough to say that Pierer Mobility is in a serious crisis? Then there’s the stock market results
If I explain it, you won’t believe how you’re trying to mask the reality of this by manipulating communication.
It can’t be said that I’m a KTM hater, I took to heart the Austrian house’s affair and I highlighted the deeds when it really seemed to be able to buy and dominate everything by, on top of it all, fixing several serious situations such as the case of MV Agusta.
About MV Agusta and its operation I’ve been a big fan.
I won’t show you all the articles and videos I’ve made so as to not bore and shove you away.
KTM hasn’t thanked me for all of my compliments nor responded to my interview requests.
On the contrary, they’ve made their lawyers write to me to stop talking about MV Agusta – or perhaps it was MV who did it, but little does that change.
The reality is that in the past months things have gone wrong.
2 videos I want to point out because they are very important:
The first one is the one that talks about the very serious situation at KTM from a business and financial point of view. Inside there are all the details about losses, drops in sales, bikes left in stock, layoffs, brands that don’t work, plans gone wrong, and so on. Find all of it, and these are not my fabrications but rather documents from the head company, Pierer Mobility, communicated to its investors, therefore all real and public information, no inventions. Here.
At the end of the video I present the graphics of a company that sees itself in quite a dramatic financial situation. Only need to be patient!
Then there’s other important issues that I’ve talked about: The shutdown of two brands in MotoGP and the downsizing of another project.
In this video I spoke about how Pierer Mobility would erase the GASGAS brand in MotoGP and Moto3 and almost the same as Husqvarna in Moto2 and Moto3, immediately.
And the MV Agusta MotoGP project, which looked like it had to be created as an autonomous project with KTM engines but with different parts and chassis, will instead become a GASGAS with the Varese colours, and skip the eventual collaboration with who should have taken care of this project – I had spoken about Boscoscuro.
So it’s a huge downsizing due to a very severe situation.
There’s another problem: the engineers on the run. The engineering boss left, the one responsible for the entire project: Fabiano Sterlacchini. No, he’s not homesick, rather he didn’t approve the sporting programme – probably made up of cuts, reductions, downsizing and strategic choices that did not make sense to him – to which he left out the door of his own accord. You find it all here. It’s not fabricated.
Again, it’s not fabricated, nor is the fact of Acosta having felt things being weird in his box and requesting to visit the headquarters during the spring break, to understand the problems and how to solve them.
It wasn’t just the racing team headquarters, but also the company’s too. They’re not the same. I ask you: have you ever heard a driver recently make similar statements? The boy is 20 years old and he understood.
Who knows what he’s been seeing around him, including the escape of Sterlacchini.
Just search “Acosta asks KTM for explanations” on google. Find a lot of material.
Pay attention to this rumour. Pit Beirer, KTM’s MotoGP boss, reportedly told technicians, team managers, etc., the following: Forget about spending money like the other years, forget about big investments, the only money we will spend is from sponsors. So forget about the long shots with Ducati (which was the goal a few years ago). You can even measure it with Aprilia. OK?
Besides that, let’s talk about the acquisitions, and I’ll tell you another rumour.
Timur Sardarov, MV Agusta’s former owner, now downsized in his role, should receive money that isn’t there. They’re missing even inside the house, okay? The Russian would have been offered a couple million, instead of several hundred bikes. But even KTM, which has taken over MV’s sales network and its management, SUCCEEDS TO SELL. The Russian tycoon reportedly offered to sell them to his friends in Russia.
Picture this: I buy everything, we do everything, we program 14 thousand bikes a year and even then not missing a few million to give the former owner only to propose him some bikes that you do not sell, dare I ask, how does he sell them? Attention, MV has sold 1800 bikes, very far expected 14 thousand.
In short, it is a series of situations, all bad, all together, that fully reflect both the things said by Misterhelmet and those told by Pierer to his shareholders.
Increasing efficiency, making cuts, reducing costs, etc. have been achieved practically in the ways we said above but in a very cruel way.
Take into account that even in off-road brands have disappeared, GASGAS is gone while the commitment continues nominally in Europe for Husqvarna, but there are still cuts, meaning they won’t manufacture its street bikes.
MX, MX2, even AMA and Supercross: all cut. Let’s face it, the American market was very important for KTM. When you cut back on what you’re supposed to be good at, it means the situation is serious.
But nobody says anything. Or better yet: the new trend is not to deny things, because financial holes and unsold bikes can’t be denied, instead to rename things, change point of view and the scenery. This phenomenon, in communication, is called framing.
Telling things by framing the same content, presented with a different perspective to be interpreted in different ways by the interlocutor. Especially if you are in a good mood because maybe you are a KTM enthusiast and don’t want to see the bad things.
Like this:
In the case of presenting a problem with different solutions, therefore, the decision of individuals may be conditioned by the framing effect. You throw it all in the mix and add a lot of data that makes reality seem normal and equal for everyone, but it doesn’t change things.
So you convince your audience that it’s all almost normal or physiological, you don’t need to read Goffmann or Entman to understand that if a company is big, it always those who need to turn the tables.
The closure of brands because they don’t sell is this phenomenon right there.
A concentration under a single brand because of its economic situation. Not that GASGAS sucks so you have to close it.
Then there’s this, that the indecent results of CFMOTO that KTM should sell in Europe on behalf of the Chinese (who produce the parts and the engines) become instead a possibility that it can win the world title as the first Chinese motorcycle to do so.
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